Release Management

Increases the Number of Successful Releases by an Organization, Reduces Quality Problems, and Incorporate Goals & Long-Term Strategic Planning with ServiceNow Release Management.

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Release Management

Release management is a process that involves overseeing the development, testing, deployment, and support to design and release software. The goal of release management is to ensure that software releases are delivered to customers in a timely, efficient, and reliable manner, with minimal impact on business operations. It combines the goals, long-term strategic planning, and the individual tactical steps employed to help reach those goals.

Features of ServiceNow Release Management:

Release Planning

It allows you to plan, track, and manage releases.

Change Management

Helps to manage changes to the environment by tracking and approving changes prior to release.

Deployment Coordination

Coordinates the deployment of releases to different environments.

Release Automation

Automates deployment processes for faster and more efficient releases.

Release Tracking

Tracks the status of releases, including deployments and rollbacks.

Release Reporting

Generates reports on the status of releases and provides insights into release performance.

Release Compliance

Ensures compliance with policies and standards by enforcing release management processes.

Release Approvals

Allows you to approve releases before deploying to production environments.

Release Notes

Provides information about the changes included in a release, making it easier to understand the impact of a release.

ServiceNow Event Management Process

The ServiceNow Event Management process involves the following steps:

During this stage, the goals, objectives, scope, and timeline of the release are defined. It includes identifying the features, changes, and improvements to be incorporated in the release and any dependencies or potential risks that must be addressed.
The build stage involves developing and testing the release components, including any necessary customizations or configurations. It also includes creating documentation and training materials and ensuring all necessary approvals are obtained.
During this stage, the release components are tested to ensure they work as expected and meet the defined requirements. It includes conducting functional, regression, and performance testing and identifying and resolving any issues or defects.
Once the release has been tested and approved, it can be deployed to the production environment. It involves moving the release components to the live environment and configuring any necessary settings or parameters.
The release is closely monitored after deployment to ensure that it performs as expected and that any issues or defects are quickly identified and resolved. It may involve user acceptance testing and monitoring system logs and performance metrics.
The final stage involves formally closing the release, documenting any lessons learned, and conducting a post-release review to evaluate the release's success and identify areas for improvement. This information is then used to inform future release management processes.

7 Benefits of ServiceNow Release Management

Improved collaboration and communication

Centralized platform for teams to work together, reducing the risk of miscommunication and missed deadlines.

Faster and more efficient releases

Automates many manual processes, reducing the time and effort required to manage releases.

Better governance and compliance

Your organizations can comply with regulatory requirements by providing a detailed audit trail of all releases and changes.

Increased visibility

Get real-time visibility into the status of releases, helping teams make informed decisions about their priorities and schedules.

Improved risk management

Organizations can minimize the risk of failures and errors by providing a structured and controlled release process.

Increased efficiency and productivity

ServiceNow streamlines and automates many manual processes, freeing up IT staff to focus on more strategic initiatives.

Better customer experience

ServiceNow helps organizations deliver high-quality software releases that meet the needs and expectations of their customers.

How Can Aelum Consulting Help with ServiceNow Release Management?

Aelum Consulting is a Premier ServiceNow Partner in India. By leveraging our expertise and experience, organizations can effectively manage their software releases. Hence, Aelum Consulting can help organizations with their Release Management by providing a range of services and solutions, including:

Strategy and Planning

Aelum Consulting can help you define a release management strategy that aligns with your business goals and objectives. It includes planning for releases, defining release schedules, and identifying the appropriate resources required for each release.

Assessment and optimization

We can assess an organization’s current Release Management processes and recommend ways to optimize and improve them. This process can also help organizations to stay up-to-date with the latest industry best practices.

Process design and implementation

We can help you design and implement Release Management best practices and processes tailored to their specific needs and requirements. This involves working closely with the organization to understand its software development process and business objectives

Automation and integration

We can help you automate and integrate their Release Management processes with other IT systems. For example, change management and testing tools to improve efficiency and reduce errors align with these goals.

Training and support

We can provide training and support to help you implement and use your Release Management processes effectively. All your staff and employees can easily access and manage all the operations without hassle.

Monitoring and reporting

We can help you monitor and report on your Release Management processes using metrics. For example, cycle time, number of bugs, and customer satisfaction scores, to measure success and identify areas for improvement.

8 Key Roles and Responsibilities of Release Management

Release Manager

Responsible for overseeing the entire release process, from planning to deployment, and ensuring that all release activities are executed successfully. They work closely with other stakeholders, such as developers, testers, and project managers, to manage and coordinate release activities.

Release Coordinator

Works closely with the Release Manager to plan, schedule, and executed all release activities as per the plan. They also ensure that all stakeholders know the release schedule and that any potential risks or issues are identified and mitigated.

Release Engineer

Responsible for developing and maintaining the release automation tools and processes used to deploy applications and software changes. They also ensure that the release process is streamlined and efficient and that any issues are resolved quickly.

Application Owner

Responsible for managing the application’s lifecycle, including the release process. They work closely with the Release Manager and other stakeholders to ensure the application is deployed and maintained correctly. Also communicates with end-users and stakeholders.

Change Manager

Responsible for managing the change process, including reviewing and approving change requests and ensuring that all changes are documented and communicated to the relevant stakeholders. Also, assess the potential impact of changes on business processes, systems, and services.

Test Manager

Responsible for managing the testing process, including planning, executing, and reporting on testing activities. They work closely with the Release Manager and other stakeholders to ensure all testing activities are completed successfully. also evaluates testing results and collaborates with teams.

Deployment Manager

Responsible for deploying the release into the production environment, including verifying that the deployment was successful and resolving any issues that arise during the deployment process. Also, ensures that the release meets all technical and functional requirements.


Stakeholders may have different interests and concerns related to the release. The release manager and other roles need to ensure their needs are addressed and informed about the release process and any potential impact on their operations or work.

Frequently Asked Questions

Release management is a key process within the ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) framework, which provides a systematic approach to managing IT services. ITIL defines release management as the process responsible for planning, scheduling, and controlling the movement of releases to test and live environments.

Release management is a critical process in a controlled and consistent manner, ensuring changes implementation to IT services. It ensures that changes are thoroughly tested, approved, and managed before deployment to live environments. It helps to minimize the risk of downtime, data loss, and other negative impacts on IT services.

In ITIL, release management is a part of the Service Transition stage and integrated with other processes within the ITIL framework, including change management, configuration management, and service testing and validation. It enables organizations to manage the entire release process from planning to deployment in a consistent and controlled manner, reducing the risk of errors and improving the quality of IT services.

Hence, release management is a critical process in the ITIL framework, providing organizations with a structured approach to managing changes to IT services and ensuring that the quality of IT services is maintained.

In DevOps, release management is a process for managing the delivery of software applications and updates to end users. It is a key component of the DevOps workflow that focuses on the continuous integration, delivery, and deployment of software applications.

DevOps release management differs from traditional release management in several ways:

  • Automation: DevOps release management relies heavily on automation to streamline the release process and reduce the risk of human error. Automated tools and scripts are used to automate build, test, and deployment processes.
  • Continuous delivery: DevOps focuses on delivering small and frequent releases, allowing for faster feedback from end-users and quicker resolution of issues.
  • Collaboration: DevOps emphasizes alliance between development and operations teams. It enables them to work together to deliver high-quality software applications quickly and efficiently.
  • Continuous feedback: DevOps incorporates constant feedback from end-users and stakeholders. It improves the quality and performance of software applications.

Hence, DevOps release management provides organizations with a more efficient, flexible, and scalable approach to delivering software applications and updates. Also, organizations can deliver high-quality software applications faster and more reliably by automating the release process and incorporating continuous feedback with the help of DevOps.

ServiceNow Release Management and DevOps are both software development approaches that aim to streamline the process of delivering software to customers. However, they have different focus areas and scopes of operations.

ServiceNow Release Management focuses on software release management and coordination, including planning, testing, and deployment. It provides a centralized platform for tracking release schedules, coordinating with teams, and automating various release management activities.

DevOps, on the other hand, is a cultural and technical approach that emphasizes collaboration and communication between development and operations teams to achieve faster and more reliable software delivery. DevOps practices include continuous integration, continuous delivery, and infrastructure as code, among others.

In summary, ServiceNow Release Management provides tools for managing the software release process. While DevOps provides a cultural and technical approach to improving collaboration and automation in the software development lifecycle.

Release Management and the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) are related but different concepts in software development.

The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a framework that outlines the process of developing software from inception to delivery. It typically includes phases such as gathering requirements, design, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance. The SDLC provides a structured approach to software development and helps ensure that all necessary steps are taken to produce a high-quality software product.

Release Management, on the other hand, is a specific aspect of the SDLC that focuses on software release planning, testing, and deployment. It involves coordinating the various activities required to bring a new software version to market. These processes include integrating code changes, testing software, fixing bugs, and ensuring the release is deployed smoothly. Release Management helps organizations manage software development and delivery complexities. Also, it ensures that releases are delivered on time, with minimal disruption, and of high quality.

In conclusion, Release Management is a subset of the SDLC, focusing on the specific activities related to the software release. The SDLC provides a broader framework for the entire software development process, including Release Management.

Release Management and Deployment Management are related but distinct concepts in software development.

Deployment Management refers to the process of actually installing and implementing a software release in a production environment. For instance, provisioning the necessary infrastructure, configuring the software, and monitoring the deployment for issues are some of these activities. Deployment Management focuses on the technical aspects of delivering software to customers, ensuring that the release is installed and configured correctly and that it meets performance and security requirements.

In conclusion, Release Management focuses on the planning, testing, and coordination of software releases. On the other hand, Deployment Management focuses on the technical aspects of actually deploying the software to customers. Both are essential components of the software development and delivery process.

Release Management and Change Management are interconnected processes critical to the success of software development and IT operations.

Release Management focuses on the new or updated software release planning, coordination, and deployment. It involves testing, validation, and deployment of the software to ensure that it meets the requirements and expectations of stakeholders.

Change Management, on the other hand, focuses on the change assessment, approval, and implementation to the IT environment, including software releases. It involves assessing the impact of changes and evaluating the risks associated with changes. Also, it ensures to implement changes in a controlled and well-coordinated manner.

The connection between Release Management and Change Management lies in the fact that software releases are a type of change demanding careful planning, coordination, and management.

Release Management provides the structure and processes needed to manage software releases effectively. On the other hand, Change Management provides the framework and tools needed to manage all changes to the IT environment, including releases.

By combining Release Management and Change Management, organizations can ensure that software releases are delivered on time, within budget, and with minimal risk to business operations. It results in high-quality releases that meet the needs and expectations of stakeholders while improving the efficiency and effectiveness of IT operations.

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